underway. Euromeccanica S.r.l., with registered office in Via Cà Diedo n. 101, Rosà (VI), tax code
03343620245 become a single industrial entity in which converge the compensations of Venezian &
Gnoato S.r.l. and of Nikko Steel S.r.l. (operating branch of Romano d’Ezzelino - VI) in the production of
small series of sheet metal components, powder coating, 3D laser cutting and deep drawing.
The reorganization is also preparatory for the integration of the industrial activities of Euromeccanica
with Mevis S.p.A., which is expected to be completed by the end of the current year.
As part of this reorganization, Euromeccanica S.r.l. will be the beneficiary of the transfer of the
company branch of Venezian & Gnoato S.r.l. and of the operating branch of Romano d’Ezzelino (VI) of
Nikko Steel S.r.l. with effect from 1 November 2019.
This transfer will be carried out in full continuity with the company.
While remaining available for any further information or clarification that you may need, we send our
best regards.